Monday, July 29, 2019

July 29, 2019

A friend emailed me today sending her love to my mom and sisters.  My mom and sister sent their love back.  It was the smallest thing but I KNOW it made my families day!  It’s funny how it works:  you show someone kindness, they pass it on to someone else, those pass it on & on & on it goes, making a beautiful day for the masses.  It all started with the one kind word.  So today, no matter who you are, know this:  you were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). You’re awesome!  You are fearfully & wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  Yes, you!   

Thursday, July 25, 2019

July 25, 2019

 A beautiful couple came in today to buy a bow.  I have the toughest time not getting my nose in on it.  I love to watch Darren at work!  He's so thorough, honest, caring, with a touch of dry humour to let you know you're at home here.  Every customer is treated as though they were our own family and we want them to make the best investment for their suited needs….Once again, it’s very rewarding to have the customers leave with an excited confidence with their purchase.
- Gloria

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Thought Provoking Question of the Day

July 12, 2019
It suddenly occurred to me the other day, if I want archers to rejuvenate, energize, relax, then Darren & I have to do the same.  We’ve been busying ourselves with the business so much, we forgot to take our own advice.   Thought provoking question of the day:  What is it you want & expect for those you care about?  Are you yourself doing it?   

Stay Healthy, Love Family

July 6, 2019

So, Thursday I was down with the flu all night.  It's the 3rd time in my adult life I've experienced my interior 
extroverting.  If that doesn't explain it, I'll just say I was SICK.  My husband, Darren, was so very helpful, 
and almost made it pleasant.  Well, at least to look back on.  My point is family is incredibly important.  
We realize this at D&G Family Archery Range, centering our activities around the family.   Lessons, for 
example, are done at the same time for all skill levels. This allows dads, moms, grandparents, aunts, 
uncles to shoot together with the children they love.  Stay healthy, love family.

Relax, Refuel, Rejuvenate at D&G Family Archery

July 4, 2019

We were asked again the other day, what is your prime goal for D&G Family Archery Range.  Darren & I want nothing more than for people to find D&G is a place they can relax, refuel, rejuvenate, a place of welcoming, home away from home, a starting place to begin to live again. Like most thoughts this one took form through personal experience. I’m willing to share it, though, if you’d like to hear it. I was going on my 2nd year of being mostly bedridden morning, afternoon & evening, best I can tell, due to pure exhaustion.  My daughter, Nikki, received a call from a friend asking if both Nikki, Daniel, her brother, and I had time to go with this huge group of youth to a ski resort for the day.  They needed the numbers in order to get a discounted rate.  To Nikki’s surprise, I agreed.  Actually, I was kind of stunned at my reaction too, but I had such good memories of the sport!  It was one of those extra fiercely cold days where Golden West radio warned to stay inside all day if at all possible.  Hey!  We’re Canadians, right!!! - Turns out the youth huddled in the Lodge for warmth, while I hit the hills for the next 6 hours.  At the end of the day, the youth gathered at the bottom of the hill to convince me it was indeed time to go home & I’d have to cease having the time of my life!  The next 2 weeks I had severe aches on every inch of my being, but my outlook on life took an unexpected turn for the better.  No longer bedridden, I was able to do new and exciting things and the best I can describe it is life began again for me.  This is what I want for YOU!  Not everyone needs this, of course, but everyone needs to refuel once in a while. Archery develops fun, friendships, character, concentration and focus. We often here archer’s say, “This is SO very relaxing! I just love this!” So if you have great memories of the sport or if you know someone who could use some rejuvenating, bring them down. You are both very welcome here!